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It is celebrate globally on the 7th of april each year. In 1948 WHO(World Health Organization) the first World Health Day. In this Assembly that constitute of Health Minister of its 194 member states. The World Health assembly decide to Celebrate a day to Global Health. In thus, The idea of celebrating World Health Day which is being celebrated on 7th of April each year since 1950.
In this day WHO organize various competition like debate of Health related topic, Essay Writing ,Article etc of various competition tho different part of country and spread the awarness of health via the various activites. 

  In this day a lot of People on social media and other platform to discuusing the importance of Healthy and Paced life.They encourge other by running such campaigns on the social media and other platform


  • It is celebrate all over the World by several govement and non-goverment organization.
  • Health Authorities to take participate of differnent countries with their Pleadge in support on the Health problem and issues all over the world.
  • It Spread Awarness among people about health problem and issues.
  • WHO has work on serious health problem issues like Corona, Leprosy etc and many other issues. 
  • WHO organise the various competition like debate of health topic,essay writing of health topic, and all other competition of all over the world.
  • World Health Day target all over the world is to all the issues realted tho health and for the many programme are organise by the WHO and other organisation at several place. 


Various theme for World Health Day:-
  • "Know your Health services"--- 1950 
  • "Health for your child and World's Children"---1951
  • "Healthy surrounding make Healthy people"---1952
  • "Malaria eradication-A World challange"---1960 
  • "Accident and their prevantion"---1961
  • "Smallpox-Constant alert"---1965
  • "Immunization-A chance for every child"---1967
  • "Global polio eradication"---1995
  • "Road Safety"---2004
  • "Vector-brone diseases"---2014
  • "Food Safety"---2015
  • "Diabeties-Scale up prevention, Strengthen Care and enhance survillance"---2016
  • "Depression-Let's talk"---2017
  • "Universal Health coverage: everyone everywhere"---2018
  • "Universal Health coverage:everyone everywhere"---2019 same as 2018
The Tagline of  2020 is--- "Support Nurse and Midwives"


  • Stay germ free (wash your hand everytime )
  • Eat healthy Breakfast
  • Do Exercise everyday 
  • Drink Water 
  • Don't skip lunch 
  • Keep Healthy snacks 
  • Be Aware of Mental Fatique
  • Don't overworked
  • Take reqular break
  • Be meditation
  • Eat Healthy food and fruit
  • Sleep well
  • Aviod Junk food
  • Control your wait


 The slogan of World Health Day is "Health For All"
  • "He who has Health has hope and he who has hope has everything"
  • "Health is Wealth"


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