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Top 10 best computer tricks everyone should know

Top 10 best computer tricks everyone should know

11 best computer tricks everyone should know

Writing data to CD / DVD

Right click on CD / DVD drive -> Properties -> Recording-> Enable CD Recording on this drive -> Apply -> In My Computer, select the files and folders you want to write then copy them to the CD / DVD drive Paste, then click on the option in the side panel, Write these files on CD.

Open a web site from the command prompt

start-> Run-> cmd and press inter -> c: \> next to the prompt start and press enter.

Recycle Bin Delete

Close Configuration Dialog - Right click on Recycle Bin Icon -> Click on Properties -> Click on Global tab -> Uncheck Display delete confirmation dialog -> Apply

Connecting two computers

Place one end of the RJ-45 (Register Jack-45) connectors on both ends of the cross wire into the LAN port of one computer's network interface card and the other to the LAN port of the other computer's network interface card.

For IP Settings:

Right click on Start -> Settings -> Network Connections-> Local Area Connection -> Properties-> Select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) -> Click on Properties button. On both computers, select Use the Following IP Address and enter the unique IP address of each computer. Keep one computer's IP address and the other -> Subnet Mask box and put and press the OK button. Do this process in both computers.

How to create a workgroup

First go to Start -> Control Panel-> System -> Computer Name tab and click on the Change button. Enter your computer name in the Computer Name Changes dialog box. Repeat this process on another computer as well and give it a different name. The workgroup (network) connecting the computers should also have a name. After giving the name of the computer, fill the name of your workgroup in the box named Member of Workgroup. (Eg me Network). Complete this process in both computers. Remember, the workgroups of both computers must have the same name.Press the OK button and both computers will restart once. Your network will be ready as soon as you restart

Folder sharing

Create one folder in both computers, give it a name. Right click on this folder, click on Properties. Now select the Sharing tab. Now select Share this folder and then give a name like SharedFolder. In other computers, you will see your shared folder by this name. Now press the OK button.

Use: Click Start -> Settings -> Network Settings-> My Network Places. Now click on Entire Network and then double click on Microsoft Windows Network. Double-click on the name of your workgroup and see the name of the second computer. Click on the name of another computer and see, your shared folder will appear in it and the files lying inside it. Now the files on this computer have started being accessed on other computers. Try copying files from here and there.

System restore

Close all open programs first; start -> all programs -> Accessories -> system tools -> system restore -> create a restore point -> next -> restore -> point description Type the name of the restore point here -> create -> home -> restore my computer to an earlier time -> next -> select a restore point -> next -> next -> now let the computer restart -> ok

Creating Table & Form in MS Access

start -> all programs -> microsoft office -> microsoft office access 2007-> blank database -> file name type database name here -> create -> now type the field name and press tab or inter; then click column Fill in the data under heading -> create menu -> more forms -> form wizard -> here you will be asked to save the table; Click on yes -> typing the name; click ok -> now select all >> click on -> next -> next -> next -> finish. Now you can see the previous records from navigation control.

Reinstall the window without formatting

When there is no other option other than format, copy all the data, then click on Start button and go to Run and type webfldrs.msi. In the dialog box that comes after that, click on the Select Reinstall Mode button. In the box, you will have to click on the OK button by clicking on all the options. After that the computer will restart automatically and all the elements of the windows will be reinstalled!

Changing the starting sound of windows

start-> control panel -> sound, speech and audio devices -> change the sound scheme -> program events: start windows-> browse-> locking the sound file here and click ok -> apply

To minimize windows

To minimize all open windows - window + m or window + d


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