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It's held on the 17th april. In these day, ISLD (International special librarian's day) was established by SLA (special libraries Association ) in 1991. The motto of ISLD is "to reconize the unique contributioon made by information proffesional around the world and the critical role the play in the changing Global information community".

    The continued growth of the international event encourages information professional to promite and showcase thier resource and service through provided by SLA.


Here some ideas to help you celebrate these day and connect with student, educators and parants;

  1. Create a student pick book display: Invite a student to suggest their favourite book for a display,along with a note to about why they liked its book and what think to other should be read it.
  2. Hold a maker night : Invite students to bring their parants to library in the evening time for the crafting,inventing,building and some tips to get your started.
  3. Challange a students to write a graphic novel about the school library and all it offer: it's a great opportunity for creative thinker, writer and artist to collaborote in a project that tell your library unique story.
  4. Host a book tasting: A book tasting provides student with an opportunity to sample different book to see if they hsd like to read them. It's great activity to introduce the student of new books and novel and promiting the a love of reading at all grade level.
  5. Host an author event: Invite a local author, poet, or illustrator to speak to student about their craft.Author visit offer many benefits.
  6. Hold a postor contest: Invite a student to design a postor that creatively promotes the librarian day.Encourage students to use your library makerspace materials. Give them a deadline for submission the finished posters around the library and invite a student to vote their favorite Award prize to the winner.


Here some themes of these day:-
  • "Information Beyond Border's Building Global Partnership"----1991
  • "Information known No Bound"----1992
  • "Global understanding through information"----1993
  • "Building a better world with information"----1994
  • "Mastering Global information with a competative advantage"----1995
  • "Partners in Global information management:----1996
  • "Putting Knowledge to work'----1997
  • "The Time is Now"----1998
  • "Exercise your Resource"----1999
  • "Navigating the world's knowledge"----2000
  • "A World of information within your reach"----2001
  • "Leadership, Partnership, Membership, expanding Global knowledge frontiers"----2002
  • "Orchestrating a world of information"----2003
  • "Creating information currency"----2004
  • "Find your place at the library"----2020


Here some Quotes of these day:-
when in doubt go to the Library

  • "I have always inagined that paradise will be kind of a Library".
  • Nothing is pleasanter than explaing a Library".
  • "The only thing  that you absoutely have to lnow is the location of the Library".
  • When in doubt go to the Library".
  • "I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card".
  • "Everything you need for better future and success has already been written and guess What? All you have to do is go to the Library".


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