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Showing posts from April, 2020


EARTH DAY  EARTH DAY It is celebrated on the 22th april. Earth and the resources of earth make life possible on it. It is annual celebrated on the 22 April around the world to demostrate support the enviroment on 1970 on 22 April , 1970 20 million Americans took to the streets, collage, campus,and hundred of cities to protest enviromental igonorance and demand a new way formed plant. The first day is 1970 launched a wave of action, including the passage of landmark enviromental law of US. The clean air,clean water and many species acts were created in response to the first Earth day in 1970 as well as the creation of the ECA (Enviromental Protection Agency). some other countries soon adopted similar law. Some way to celebrate the Earth day  Plant a tree. Make a Pledge and a plan to take action. Pick up trash around your school. Volunteer for an Earth day event in your area. Ride your bike instead of driving. Help spread Awarness. Buy local or organic...


INTERNATIONAL  SPECIAL LIBRARIAN'S DAY    It's held on the 17th april. In these day, ISLD (International special librarian's day) was established by SLA (special libraries Association ) in 1991. The motto of ISLD is "to reconize the unique contributioon made by information proffesional around the world and the critical role the play in the changing Global information community".     The continued growth of the international event encourages information professional to promite and showcase thier resource and service through provided by SLA. SOME IDEAS THO CELEBRATE THE INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL LIBRARIAN'S DAY Here some ideas to help you celebrate these day and connect with student, educators and parants; Create a student pick book display : Invite a student to suggest their favourite book for a display,along with a note to about why they liked its book and what think to other should be read it. Hold a maker night : Invite students t...


  WORLD HEALTH DAY  It is celebrate globally on the 7th of april each year. In 1948 WHO (World Health Organization) the first World Health Day. In this Assembly that constitute of Health Minister of its 194 member states. The World Health assembly decide to Celebrate a day to Global Health.  In thus, The idea of celebrating World Health Day which is being celebrated on 7th of April each year since 1950 . In this day WHO organize various competition like debate of Health related topic, Essay Writing ,Article etc of various competition tho different part of country and spread the awarness of health via the various activites.    In this day a lot of People on social media and other platform to discuusing the importance of Healthy and Paced life .They encourge other by running such campaigns on the social media and other platform .  CELEBRATION - WORLD HEALTH DAY  It is celebrate all over the World by several govement and non-go...


55% OFF OFFER Objective Biology Chapter-wise MCQs for NTA NEET/ AIIMS 3rd Edition [Print Replica] Kindle Edition best for beginner


मैं सौरभ कुमार, आपका स्वागत करता हूँ।  मैं  यहाँ  आपको ONLINE SCAN के बारे  में  बताऊंगा।  हमारे इंटरनेट के बिच एक ऐसी वेबसाइट है जो ऑनलाइन स्कैन करती है किसी भी फाइल को वो भी बहुत सारे ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE से जिससे की आपकी फाइल सुरछित रहे। वेबसाइट का लिंक आपको निचे मिल जायेगा।  वेबसाइट का नाम है VIRUS TOTAL ये वेबसाइट की लिंक है जिससे आप सीधे वेबसाइट पर जा सकते हो।  इस वेबसाइट की सबसे अच्छी बात ये है की ये कोई एक नहीं बहुत सारे ANTIVIRUS से वही फाइल को SCAN करता है।  लेकिन वो फाइल 128 MB से बड़ी नहीं होनी चाहिए।  ये वेबसाइट हर एक जगह से पता लगाने की कोसिस करता है की कोई फाइल में VIRUS तो नहीं जिससे आपकी फाइल को कोई नुक्सान न हो।    आप इससे किसी वेबसाइट  बारे में भी पता लगा सकते है की वो SAFE है या नहीं। आप जब इस वेबसाइट को OPEN करेंगे वहाँ ऑप्शन आएगा FILE , URL, SEARCH का तो अगर आपको फाइल स्कैन करनी है तो आप फाइल पर क्लिक कर देंगे फिर आपको जो फाइल स्कैन करने है आप...